19th. Triscuit Crackers Original

18th. Keebler Peanut Butter Crackers

17th. Nutter Butters

16th. Ritz Crackers

15th. Smartfood

14th. Teddy Grahams Cinnamon

13th. Chips Deluxe Rainbow

12th. Lays Kettle Cooked Chips

11th. Chips Ahoy Cookies

10th. Nestle Flipz

9th. Chex Mix Traditional

8th. Teddy Grahams Chocolate

7th. New York Style Sea Salt Bagel Crisps

6th. Jax Cheese Curls

5th. Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts

4th. Chex Mix Peanut Butter

3rd. Cheez-It

2nd. Cape Cod Potato Chips

1st. Pizza Goldfish

if you think anyone believes that you like cheez its that much more than chex mix you are crazy. ive never seen you eat cheez its.